26. Scale or Fail: An Entrepreneur’s Dilemma
25. Invest in Websites and Buy a Job?
24. The Venture Capital Approach
23. The 3 Real Risks in Website Investing
22. Now You’re an Entrepreneur!
21. The Investment Case for High Ticket Drop Shipping Sites
20. Best Online Business Models – 6 Models Compared
19. Online Business Models: An Evaluation Framework
18. Do You Know SEO?
17. At Your Service: How to Keep Your Customers Coming Back For More
16. The Essential Elements of Ecommerce Evaluations
15. Addressing Buyer Doubt and Closing More Sales
12. Creating a Small Business Financial Blueprint
11. Considerations When Buying An Existing Business
10. The Benefits and Challenges of Managing A Remote Workforce
08. So, You Just Bought Your First Ecommerce Store. Now What?
07. Why You Should Focus on Physical Goods Ecommerce
06. How (and Where) to Find Attractive Investment Properties
05. Don’t Buy a Website in 2019…Unless
04. How to Know When You’re Ready to Take The Plunge
03. Finding Your “Why” for Becoming a Website Investor
02. Why Established Websites are the Most Attractive Investable Asset Class
01. Lessons I’ve Learned While Becoming A Professional Website Investor

Episode 26:
Scale or Fail: An Entrepreneur’s Dilemma
Not everyone who owns and runs a website does so full-time. For some people, it has always been a side hustle, and that’s what it always will be. For others, they’re just starting out and holding onto another job until their new website becomes financially sustainable.
Today’s episode is especially designed to help you avoid the mistakes many early investors make. If you don’t have the time or the skill-set to do this all on your own, we recommend bringing some people on board who can help you manage your website and give it a good foundation from the start.
On this episode you’ll hear:
- The kinds of people you should consider hiring to help you with your website
- A plan for outsourcing your customer service to virtual assistants
- The advantages of hiring someone to manage Pay Per Click ads
- Why you should consider hiring a web developer
- The best places to find good workers
If you’re looking for some support for your new website, this is one episode you won’t want to miss!
Scale or Fail: An Entrepreneur’s Dilemma

Episode 25:
Invest in Websites and Buy a Job?
We live in an age where people are dropping out of the traditional workforce all the time. Entrepreneurs and digital nomads are working from home, coffee shops, beaches, anywhere they can find an Internet connection. But is it really possible to do this by investing in high ticket drop shipping websites?
Well, it is possible. Today we lay out a simple blueprint to follow on your path to operating your own website.
On this episode, you’ll hear:
- The major issues someone will need to tackle in order to make this career transition
- The key activities a high ticket drop shipping website owner needs to manage
- The challenges of managing supplier relations
- The key factors of website management
- How to set up a customer service protocol
- What to do with your paid traffic budget
- How to tackle Search Engine Optimization content
If you truly are looking to make a career move into E commerce websites, then you’ll want to start here.
Invest in Websites and Buy a Job?

Episode 24:
The Venture Capital Approach
If you’re at all familiar with investing, you’ve probably heard of the Venture Capital investment culture of Silicon Valley. Venture capital involves individuals and teams investing capital in startup businesses, assuming some risk up front in the hopes of a big payoff down the road. Some of the biggest brands you know of today started because venture capitalists invested in them when they were small startups operating out of garages, basements, and dorm rooms.
Today we consider if that approach could translate into website investing. Is it possible to approach websites as startups and nurture their growth the way a venture capitalist might? Our host Ian Bond thinks there’s a clear path here, and explains how the venture capital approach could lead to sound investing decisions when it comes to buying Ecommerce websites.
On this episode you’ll hear:
- Whether you should invest in one website or spread your money around
- An explanation of the Venture Capital model
- How to translate the Venture Capital model to high ticket drop shipping sites
- The minimum amount you should invest in a website
- What you should expect when you buy a smaller site
- The difference between buying and investing
If you’re interested in incorporating the wisdom of the venture capital approach into your current system, then this is one episode you won’t want to miss!
The Venture Capital Approach

Episode 23:
The 3 Real Risks in Website Investing
Online website investing is one of the new investment frontiers that has really opened up in the 21st Century. It’s an exciting time out on this frontier. There’s a lot of open space, several opportunities, and less competition than there is in other, more traditional markets.
Alongside these new possibilities is the presence of real risk. There is less research to guide you. There are fewer guides and companions for the journey. And we haven’t been doing this as long as other types of investment.
Fortunately, a lot of sound investment principles still apply in these new spaces. Our guide today, Ian Bond, shares the lessons he learned on a different frontier, and how those lessons have served him well in the uncharted territory we all face today.
On this episode you’ll hear:
- How Ian’s experience on Wall Street in the 1980’s informs his current approach to investing
- Three common risks you’ll encounter in a new investment frontier
- The information you’ll need to navigate this new frontier
- How to assess the advice you’ll receive from website brokers
- How to assess the consequences of your decisions
- What you can do to minimize your risk on this frontier
If you’re looking for ways to navigate the new investment spaces of the 21st Century then this one podcast you won’t want to miss.